Sasha Banks Needs to Turn Heel at WWE WrestleMania 33


Sasha Banks needs to change herself up, a heel turn is needed and it should happen at Wrestlemania 33, and what better way than to turn on her best friend Bayley.

Since her main roster call up, Sasha Banks has been a main focus in the Women’s Division. She fast became a fan favourite and the fans rallying behind her made her the main face for Raw’s division. With Bayley now a part of the roster, the fans have someone else who they have gotten behind. Charlotte too has been a big draw with the division, and the Queen has been ruling for a year and a half. But something needs to change, we have been seeing the same feuds over and over again with the same outcomes.

A big change needs to happen and that would work in the shape of Sasha Banks turning on her best friend Bayley at WrestleMania and becoming the big bad heel once again. They need to play it smart, and not even hint at her turn, it needs to be a huge shock that is felt hard. Even if they don’t have this play out at WrestleMania, the Raw afterwards would be a great time as well. At this stage, we can expect Charlotte to keep her streak intact and recapture the title at Fastlane. But then where do things go from there?

The most sense right now is to have a Fatal Four-Way Match for the Raw Women’s Championship pitting Bayley, Charlotte, Sasha Banks and Nia Jax against each other. Something could happen during the match to trigger the turn, and then that turns Sasha against Bayley and we have our heel turn and the next big feud for the next couple of months. Charlotte needs other challengers, we have seen her face Sasha and Bayley enough, perhaps she feuds with Nia Jax and helps her improve. Or heck even a feud with Dana Brooke and or bring in Emma, and give her something high profile.

Ideally Sasha Banks and Bayley should feud with the title in the picture but it isn’t necessary, as we have seen in NXT these two can tell a great story and put on Match Of The Year candidates. The time after WrestleMania is a crucial time for the company, interest needs to be held. The Women’s Division has been a huge part of the product, they have been main eventing and getting the WWE Universe behind them. A huge feud like Sasha vs. Bayley would definitely hold a lot of interest but it would make for some spectacular TV.

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The Raw Women’s Division needs a shake up and we need to see some fresh feuds, Sasha turning heel would be a huge step in the right direction. We are all wanting to see more matches with Sasha and Bayley against each other, and this is how we are going to get that. Sasha works best as a heel, she completely owns the role and it fits The Boss persona so much better. As great as it is to have Charlotte as the big bad in the division, we need someone else to take over and give us something fresh. Time will tell if Sasha does turn heel and we get a feud with Bayley, but here’s hoping we get what we as fans deserve.