WWE Fastlane 2017 Results: Highlights, Analysis, and Grades

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credit: wwe.com

Akira Tozawa and Rich Swann vs. Brian Kendrick and Noam Dar

Result: Akira Tozawa and Rich Swann defeat Brian Kendrick and Noam Dar via pinfall.

Rating: 2.75 out of 5 stars

Things looked a little sloppy for the first 30 minutes, but Swann and Tozawa did the latter’s trademark “AH!” to get the crowd going just a little bit. Cruiserweights aren’t exactly the hottest thing in town, so getting the venue to wake up for them is a task.

After an advertisement break, the crowd seemed somewhat alive for this, which is great. They were involved in the count of the pinfalls. A small but positive step.

Tozawa and Swann broke out the aerial assault on the outside, making for the most exciting part of the match. That Phoenix Splash from Swann also got the crowd off its feet and gave us a hot start to Fastlane.

The babyface cruiserweight team never loses in these Kickoff Show matches, as WWE looks for a way to begin the show with the fans happy. Not the craziest idea, so they keep going back to it. Why would you want to start a PPV during WrestleMania season with everyone confused or aggravated?