5 Reasons Goldberg Will Win at WWE WrestleMania 33

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5. The True Conqueror

While WWE loves to tout John Cena as the only other man to defeat Brock Lesnar at two pay-per-view events, this fact is misleading. It is true that Cena has emerged victorious twice, however one of those victories (Night of Champions 2014) was via disqualification. Goldberg is the only man in history to PIN the Beast at two separate events. The first of these wins occurred all the way back at WrestleMania 20, and the second more recently at Survivor Series. Both moments were equally important as well as historic for WWE.

For those that feel Goldberg’s recent victory against Lesnar was a fluke, look no further than this year’s Royal Rumble. This time around, the Beast had plenty of time to prepare for his rival. Coming out at number twenty-six, he laid waste to every single man present inside the ring. When Goldberg eventually came out at twenty-eight, one could tell that Lesnar was ready for a fight. The two had a brief stare-down, which had everyone on the edge of their seats.

So what happened between these two at the Royal Rumble? Once again, the spear that Goldberg made famous throughout his career cut Lesnar in two. The move manages to take the wind of whoever gets hit by it, and even a freak of nature like Lesnar isn’t immune to it. All it took was one spear (and an impressive clothesline) to end the Beast’s night. Throughout their rivalry, there has been one common theme in every match that these two have competed in against one another. No matter the year or event, Goldberg always manages to stand tall over Lesnar.