WWE Raw Results: Highlights, Analysis, and Grades for March 6

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Raw Tag Team Championship Match

The Club (Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson) (c) vs. Enzo Amore & Big Cass

Result: The Club defeated Enzo Amore & Big Cass via disqualification

Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars

Corey Graves is doing the Lord’s work on the commentary team. I sang his praises all the time when I was handling the NXT reviews here on Daily DDT, but haven’t said too much about his work on Raw. That doesn’t mean he’s not killing it. The Cubs/White Sox stuff before this match was pure gold.

Before this match really gets going, Cesaro and Sheamus head down to the ringside area. As I mentioned a few weeks back, there’s no reason for any superstar on Raw to head to ringside when the commentary booth is on the stage. At least on SmackDown Live! you can at least use the “guest commentary” pretext to head to the ring. Here, you just look like your whole intentions are to cause trouble.

Seriously, absolutely no one comes out of this segment looking good. Gallows and Anderson are more like Dark Helmet than Darth Vader – ineffectual despite being “the best.” Enzo almost killed himself on the suicide dive before spilling Cesaro’s coffee. And what the hell is Cesaro driking coffee for at ringside? He’s Swiss, shouldn’t he be drinking hot cocoa?

The closest thing to looking good is Big Cass – who was an effective hot tag before the debacle of an ending – and Sheamus – who hit a William Tell-like Brogue Kick to the Enzo’s apple of a head on Cesaro’s shoulder. That was cool, at least. But the rest of this was trash – including the backstage fight afterwards.

Ravishing Rick Rude Entering Hall of Fame

This one falls into the long overdue category. Rude now has both the greatest entrance music and airbrush work on his tights in the Hall of Fame.