WWE SmackDown Live Results: Highlights, Analysis, and Grades for March 7

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John Cena and Nikki Bella vs. Carmella and James Ellsworth

Result: John Cena and Nikki Bella win via pinfall

Rating: 3.0 out of 5 stars

In arguably their biggest match to date, Carmella and Ellsworth received the opportunity of a lifetime on SmackDown Live. Even though we all knew how this match was going to go down, it was still an interesting thing to see. It all started when Ellsworth made his entrance first, and then he went on to give another one of his introductions for Carmella. John Cena and Nikki Bella followed suit, but one more player was still to arrive.

Joining the commentary booth, The Miz and Maryse watched the action with a keen eye. Their arrival allowed Carmella to take the advantage early on, however her night would turn sour when she tagged in Ellsworth. Unwilling to go up against Cena, the Chinless Wonder had to be pushed into his opponent by Carmella. This opened up the floodgates, with Cena obviously delivering all of the offense. The closing moments of the match had Cena and Nikki hit their respective finishers on their opponents to score the pinfall victory.

Once the action concluded, Miz and Maryse finally made their presence known. Attacking their rivals and leaving them battered and beaten outside the ring, the power couple turned their attention to the WWE Universe. Cutting a scathing promo on both Cena and Nikki, they went on to call them fake and that Cena is a liar. The two felt that the love their rivals shared was equally as fake, and final moments of the segment Maryse would call Nikki a b*tch.

Stellar work here by The Miz and Maryse. Should they continue this trend, there’s no reason why their upcoming WrestleMania won’t draw in fans.