WWE Rumors: Rusev Will Miss Time with an Injury


WWE fans may not see Rusev for an indefinite period of time on Raw.

The last WWE fans saw of Rusev, he was getting squashed by Big Show at WWE Fastlane 2017. It was part of the break-up angle with Jinder Mahal, who also lost to Cesaro.

Well, the Bulgarian Brute may miss an extended amount of time, according to F4WOnline.com. This is due to an injury. However, it has not been confirmed yet.

The report adds how Show told a fan that Rusev needs shoulder surgery. That could have been a reason for the one-sided match at Fastlane, which would write off the former United States champion while he recovers.

If true, this potentially keeps Rusev out of WrestleMania 33. He probably wouldn’t have had a marquee role anyway, as the match card has been shaping up for weeks. Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar, Randy Orton vs. Bray Wyatt, Bayley vs. Charlotte vs. Sasha Banks and Chris Jericho vs. Kevin Owens are just some of what has been confirmed. This is without John Cena, the Undertaker, Roman Reigns, AJ Styles and others having their matches officially made by WWE.

Since debuting on the WWE main roster in 2014, Rusev has remained a heel. He started well, going undefeated through his first year. That ended at WrestleMania 31 after being pinned by Cena for the United States Championship. It began a steady downward slide that never saw him achieve his 2014 form again.

The closest the Husband of the Ravishing Russian came to being in the spotlight was the spring of 2016. This saw him win the United States Championship again and held it until Clash of Champions, losing to Roman Reigns there and at Hell in a Cell.

Next: 5 Reasons the Bulgarian Brute Should Turn Heel

For whenever Rusev can come back, maybe WWE experiments with him as a babyface. It’s worth a shot after the fall from grace he’s had as a bad guy for the past two years, so a fresh look could do wonders for him. If he comes back in his most recent form, getting squashed by other Superstars and feuding with Mahal, then it’s going to continue being a rough ride for him.