5 Reasons Roman Reigns Will Win at WWE WrestleMania 33

ByTom Thomas|
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4. It is What the New Era Needs

WWE would eventually have to do something to assure the fans we are still in the new era. Despite the commentary team’s constant ramblings, we still have part timers and stars of a bygone era main eventing shows and PPVs. Goldberg is the WWE Universal champion. Brock Lesnar would face Goldberg at the main event of WrestleMania for the Universal title. Randy Orton is the Royal Rumble winner. All this would sound like we are in 2004.

Yet, we are still in 2017; still in the middle of WWE’s promised new era. The main event of this year’s WrestleMania would be filled by part-timers. The second WWE title match would feature another veteran in Randy Orton. In fact, none of the new era stars have been placed in any of the prominent matches except Roman Reigns and Bray Wyatt. As such, these two would have to go over to lend any sense of credibility to the new era.

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If the Undertaker wins, that would once again send Reigns backward in terms of momentum. Not only does it make Reigns look bad, it would also make Braun Strowman look bad. After defeating Strowman, if Reigns were to suddenly fall to an out of shape Undertaker, it would make the entire new era look bad. After all, Strowman has been booked as the largest threat of the new era.