AJ Styles Attacks Shane McMahon, Who Busted His Head Open (Video)


Shane McMahon just got his rear kicked in by AJ Styles in a vicious parking lot brawl.

It goes without saying that the potential AJ Styles vs. Shane McMahon match at WrestleMania 33 hasn’t been received well. From Styles “needing a better opponent” to it being a “waste” for him, it’s garnered all sorts of criticism. However, based on their backstage interaction after the Mar. 7 episode of SmackDown, all signs point to this being on.

Well, on Tuesday night, we had our second and biggest sign yet of Styles vs. McMahon taking place at WrestleMania 33. It got bloody, too.

For about 45 minutes, cameras showed the Phenomenal One waiting in a garage for the SmackDown Commissioner. When he arrived, Styles bombarded and beat the living hell out of him. Shane went into the walls, the cars and even a car window. He went in head-first, opening up a gash on his forehead (could have been fake blood).

The altercation can be seen below. A warning that if you’re queasy over the sight of blood, don’t watch this.

Afterward, Daniel Bryan found Styles, kicked him out of the building and fired him. He had three security guards escort him out.

Styles vs. McMahon has officially become a “blood” feud. Not like Chris Jericho vs. Kevin Owens or Triple H vs. Seth Rollins, but it’s the first sign of red we’ve seen in any of these WrestleMania programs.

It doesn’t look like we’re getting confirmation on this match being at the Show of Shows on Tuesday night. However, potentially expect the announcement for the Mar. 21 episode of SmackDown Live, which could be their last match that’s being added to the card.

Next: Pros and Cons of Styles vs. McMahon at WrestleMania 33

Did this brawl make you more invested in a future AJ Styles vs. Shane McMahon match? What could be next for this feud?