5 Reasons Kevin Owens Will Win at WWE WrestleMania 33

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5. Bring Back Title Relevance

From August 2016 until Fastlane this past March, Kevin Owens ruled Raw as the Universal Champion. It’s the longest reign in the admittedly young history of the title. But for 188 days, no one was able to overtake the Prizefighter for the championship.

Even when Owens lost the title to Goldberg, it was partly due to a distraction from – who else? – Chris Jericho. KO has explicitly stated that we don’t know what would have happened if Y2J hadn’t gotten involved, which may be true. Either way, his reign as Universal Champion proved he has what it takes to be the top guy on Raw.

With a shot at the United States Title at WrestleMania 33, Owens has the opportunity to add another championship to his resume. Even more, he can help to rebuild the importance of that title by defending it with some regularity. His history as Universal Champion can help to elevate the status of the US Title.

It’s incredibly likely that Brock Lesnar will defeat Goldberg for the Universal Title at WrestleMania, then retreat to his compound in Saskatchewan until it’s time for SummerSlam. With their world title MIA, Raw‘s top prize will be the United States Championship. And who better to make it seem like a top prize than the Prizefighter?

If Owens defeats Jericho at WrestleMania, it could propel the US Title to heights not seen in WWE since the days of John Cena’s Open Challenges. And if the Universal Championship is absent from programming, the United States Title becomes even more important. Owens is just the man to carry it during that period.