5 Reasons Kevin Owens Will Win at WWE WrestleMania 33

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2. Youth Over Experience

Chris Jericho is a future Hall of Famer. He’s done just about everything there is to do in WWE. And he even had successful stints in both ECW and WCW before he came to WWE.

However, just by virtue of his being a former ECW and WCW superstar, that means one thing – he’s getting older. ECW (the real one, not WWE’s watered-down version) officially folded in 2001, less than a month after WCW ceased operations as a separate company. If 16 years have passed since your previous employers folded, that means you’ve had a long career.

The longer your career, the older you’d have to be. It’s inevitable that athletes face some regression as the aging process takes hold. Even an absolute legend like Jushin Liger had to adapt – when was the last time you saw him do a shooting star press?

What does that mean for Kevin Owens? His relative youth in this match gives him a slight advantage. Not to say Jericho is unable to go anymore – he’s proven time and time again that he’s still got it – but a young and hungry opponent who’s out for blood? Advantage goes to youth.

Owens is old enough to be a veteran, so it’s not like he’s a rookie who doesn’t know what he’s doing. He’ll be able to avoid rookie mistakes, and won’t get discouraged too much by facing a “wily veteran” – mainly because he’s one, too.

But the extra couple of years Jericho’s spent in the ring means there’s that much more mileage on his body – he might not be able to bounce back from a beating as quickly as he used to. And if he’s still nursing injuries from the Festival of Friendship – a distinct possibility – any additional punishment at WrestleMania could be too much to handle.