WWE WrestleMania 33: Austin Aries vs. Neville is Perfect Cruiserweight Feud


The Cruiserweight Division has been on fire in recent weeks thanks to the main roster debut of Austin Aries and his feud with Neville, making the perfect pairing for WrestleMania.

We all knew that Austin Aries was returning to in-ring action, and with his impressive ‘package’ we knew he would be part of the Cruiserweight division. What we may not have guessed right up is that he would jump straight into a feud with the champion, the self-crowned King of the Cruiserweights Neville. When during an interview, Austin Aries fought back against the arrogant Neville on Raw, it was obvious this was the next feud. Aries was well and truly over with the crowd, and seemed like the right pick instantly.

There were many possibilities for the Cruiserweight match at WrestleMania, but going with a one on one match with a hot feud was the right decision. We may see more Cruiserweight action at the event, but as their main match, these two could very well steal the show. The division no doubt has been on fire lately, with good feuds and matches, but it was floundering. It needed two popular guys to lock horns, with the title on the line and a chance to put on a 5-star match at the biggest event to really get people talking and to take notice.

What makes these two great is that they have an instant chemistry, their mic work together has been outstanding and it’s certainly gotten people’s attention. Their ring work is fantastic, and their styles are different enough to mesh incredibly well in the ring. We saw Neville and Jack Gallagher do wonders at the previous Raw PPV event, and this match could easily solidify the division and give it that big push for full credibility.

In the weeks leading up to WrestleMania we have seen some fantastic promos between the two, and some great matches in between. In such a short amount of time, this has been one of the most memorable and entertaining feuds of the year so far. A great feat for a division that people weren’t really taking much notice of, and people have been tweeting about it more and more. This has fast become one of the matches I am most looking forward to at the event, they have sold it that well.

As for who should win, well this feud really needs to continue, it’s gold. Neville could retain to keep the feud going or Austin Aries could become the new champion with Neville having to prove himself after a big loss. Both options open up a lot of possibilities moving forward and the stories they could tell. Neville will have a lot to answer for with a loss, and a lot to brag about if he wins. Same goes for Aries, if he wins he gets bragging rights, but if he loses he still has to climb that mountain.

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The direction for the division has only been getting better, and unless something drastically bad happens it can only get even better. Giving the reign to these two, they are leaders for their colleagues in the ring, and it’s raising every else up and shining a light on this division. Where a few months ago any Cruiserweight matches were almost throw away, now it is the reason to watch Raw every week.