WWE WrestleMania 33: 4 Women Who Should Switch Brands After the Show

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WrestleMania 33, WWE.com

With the possibility of the first Draft Lottery since the new brand extension on the horizon, we look at four women who switch shows after WrestleMania 33.

WrestleMania is two weeks away, and with that event ending the current year of WWE ends. Generally, WWE starts their new year the night after WrestleMania, this is the Raw where we see the craziest crowds and some of the more shocking events and returns of the year.

With the new brand extension, WWE will most likely use this new year to shake up the rosters and move talents over to new brands. This helps the brands not get too stale and gives fans the opportunity to see feuds and matches they couldn’t see the prior year.

For the last two years, WWE has built back up the Women’s division to become on par with the men on the shows. As we saw this past year Women on both Raw and SmackDown Live had the chance to main event shows, with Raw even giving Charlotte and Sasha Banks the main event of a pay per view.

With all this in mind, WWE is going to really want to shake up the both Women’s divisions giving both shows new talents to work with. This will allow fans to see matches that they were unable to see this past year.

With all of this in mind which women should switch brands when WWE decides to shake up the rosters again? We will look at four Women who should switch sides and can have an immediate impact on their new brand.