5 Surprise Entrants That Would’ve Made WWE Royal Rumble 2017 Awesome

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4. ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin

This entry’s a major stretch, especially given Austin’s health issues. But the 2017 Royal Rumble took place in San Antonio, Texas, and ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin is one of the most recognizable wrestlers to ever come from that state.

Like the Angle entry before him, Austin’s Rumble participation could’ve been one devoted solely to nostalgia. He could’ve come down to the ring, his a few Stunners, and then gotten thrown out by someone shortly afterward. It wouldn’t be much, but it would still be much more memorable than the participation of half the guys that did appear in this match.

Also, Austin’s reaction would’ve been absolutely thunderous. The sound of glass shattering would’ve sent the San Antonio crowd into a frenzy, and social media would’ve erupted out of shock at his surprise appearance. That would’ve given the Rumble some much-needed attention, and would’ve done a lot more to fit into the ‘remember the Rumble’ tagline.