WWE WrestleMania 33: 5 Potential Winners of the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal

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4. Dolph Ziggler

Out of the talent pool to choose from, Ziggler is least likely to win the Battle Royal.  But given his new attitude, he should be considered for a surprise win.  Ziggler is another talent who could benefit from a great feud – his heel turn was the start of it.  His change in attitude warrants change and fans already know his history and what he can do in the ring.

Ziggler has put on consistent performances time and time again.  Winning the Battle Royal enhances the accomplishments he already has on his resume.  He shouldn’t be in the Intercontinental Championship picture anymore – he should be in the WWE Championship picture.  Now isn’t the time, but if anything else he is also due for a long-term feud.  His small feud with Apollo Crews and Kalisto established his dominance as a heel.

A Ziggler and AJ Styles feud would be a treat if and when Styles reverts back as a babyface.  Winning the Battle Royal could give Ziggler the confidence he needs and he could want to further prove himself by challenging someone such as Styles.  These two have had great matches in the past, so having a feud wouldn’t be bad either.  If that lead him to a Championship opportunity it would be worth it.  Otherwise what else is there for Ziggler?