WWE WrestleMania 33: 3 Predictions for Bayley vs. Charlotte vs. Sasha Banks vs. Nia Jax

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1. Sasha Banks Will Prevent Bayley from Retaining the Title

As if it comes as any surprise, the biggest – and most likely – prediction for Bayley’s WrestleMania championship defense is for her to come out of this one minus an ally.

All of the evidence is pointing to a Sasha Banks turn, and whether she goes full-fledged heel in the Citrus Bowl or not, you have to expect that the seeds will at least be planted for a future one-on-one rivalry between Bayley and “The Boss”.

So how exactly does the WWE book a heel turn in a match where it’s every woman for herself? Well, we suggested a potential route for this when we discussed whether or not the company had ruined Bayley’s WrestleMania moment.

Think back to 2014’s NXT TakeOver: Fatal Four-Way, in which Adrian Neville defended the NXT Championship against Sami Zayn, Tyson Kidd and Tyler Breeze.

In order to set up a one-on-one rivalry between Neville and Zayn with the former as the heel, they booked the match so that Sami Zayn would be closing in on a victory.

Just before the referee could count three, however, Neville pulled the official out of the ring in an act of desperation to keep his reign alive – thus setting up a platform on which to turn Neville heel and have the two face off at the next special.

This isn’t an illegal move, but it is one that someone of very low moral compass would utilize in order to get ahead, even at the expense of their own friends.

Having Sasha Banks prevent Bayley from winning by removing the referee from the equation, possibly leading to Sasha herself walking out with the strap, would nicely set up for a fallout angle in which Bayley confronts Sasha about her actions.

Then, they can finally cement the heel turn by having Sasha Banks blindside her best friend and set the wheels in motion for a feud between the two.

Next: WM 33: 5 Booking Decisions to Avoid

Bayley and Sasha had some fantastic matches in NXT back in 2015; the emotion and animosity they brought to each encounter was on a whole other level. To see that recreated on a much larger platform would help the division in terms of variety, by introducing a story that doesn’t run solely on desire to win championship gold.