WWE WrestleMania 33: 3 Predictions for Roman Reigns vs. Undertaker

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What could go down when the Dead Man collides with the Big Dog, Roman Reigns at WrestleMania 33?

The battle to decide whose yard it truly is will hit its peak when Roman Reigns and the Undertaker go face to face at WrestleMania 33. Considering the state that Reigns is in, it was surprising to see creative go through with this idea. The crowd loves to hate the Big Dog. Placing him against a respected veteran like the Undertaker could be termed as ‘bold’ to say the least.

The fans have not bought into this feud as a whole, though. For once, Reigns does not need this match. He has built a career filled with stellar accomplishments so far. He does not need a win over the Undertaker to ensure anything. Roman Reigns is already poised to be the long-term face of the WWE. Secondly, the crowd would have loved to see the Dead Man face someone like John Cena or Finn Balor. This is especially in light of thoughts that this could be the Dead Man’s final WrestleMania appearance.

As such, Reigns going over cleanly over the Undertaker would be a huge mistake. Unless creative would want to place a ton of organic heat on his character. However, with Braun Strowman now lingering in the background, there is an extra layer to this storyline, though. After getting Choke slammed by the Undertaker, the Monster among Men would look for ways to redeem himself. Moreover, he claims to still have unfinished business with Roman Reigns.

Anything could happen when it comes to WrestleMania. Just about anything could happen during this match as well. We could perhaps witness the Dead Man standing tall over the new era as well. Or we could see the Phenom falling prey to a demon he can not escape – time. Here are our three predictions for what could be WrestleMania’s most intriguing match.