WWE WrestleMania 33: 3 Predictions for Roman Reigns vs. Undertaker

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3. Undertaker Wins Despite Roman Reigns’ Best Efforts

The legacy of the Undertaker is something that is above Roman Reigns and the new era. It is something that has been created over the past 25 years. The Undertaker’s legacy has been written with blood, sweat, heart and determination. Even the future face of the WWE does not deserve to run rampant over that. Brock Lesnar ending the streak was a mistake. WWE would be wise to not go down that path again.

As such when the match is over at WrestleMania 33, the gong should go off. The Undertaker should stand over a fallen Roman Reigns’ body as the lights dim. If WWE has plans to keep Reigns as a face, then this should be the route that they chose. A nod of respect by the Undertaker after finishing the match could boost his career. It could be the passing of the torch moment in this match.

Reigns would have to carry the load of the match and deliver on all aspects. He would have to come off firing all guns at the Dead Man. He would also have to sell the Phenom’s moves rather well for this match to work. Proving that he can work this match on his own could perhaps turn a few fans in favor of the Big Dog in the future. An ending where Taker helps Reigns to get back to his feet could perhaps add a touch of class and emotion to this bout.

Related Story: 5 Reasons Undertaker Will Win at WWE WrestleMania 33

It could be defined as the Undertaker’s way of telling Reigns that this is his yard from now on. Moreover, it would be like the Dead Man passing the rights to his yard to a younger competitor who proved his worth. A finish like that would ideally ensure Reigns comes off as a face character. However, that would not in anyways ensure that he still doesn’t get booed.