WWE WrestleMania 33: 7 Predictions That Won’t Come True

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Source: WWE.com

4. Seth Rollins Gets His Revenge on Triple H

Seth Rollins vs. Triple H in an Unsanctioned match looks good to go at WrestleMania 33. It has the chance to be one of the most exciting matches at the show for not only wrestling, but the brutality. These two will be kicking the daylights out of each other and may even draw blood to represent how personal this has become.

In situations like this, the babyface tends to come out on top, and while there would be more to gain from Rollins winning, it may be the other way around. This would see Triple H win.

If the Game is going to continue competing at WrestleMania, he can’t always lose. Judge this on the WrestleMania 31 match with Sting, which everyone penciled in the latter for winning. This came after he put over Daniel Bryan at WrestleMania 30 and lost in back-to-back years to the Undertaker at 27 and 28.

It even comes into play with Chris Jericho in 2016. Fans reacted with strong disdain over him defeating AJ Styles. However, Y2J needs a win here and there to sustain his credibility. This helped throughout his WWE stay for the past year.

This match may be where Samoa Joe shows up, too. Interference is Raw-esque, something we could do without. This hasn’t stopped WWE from doing this for well over one year at PPVs, however. So, with him not having a defined role on Sunday, maybe it comes during this match. He’d help Triple H win and get one step closer to setting up that Evolution 2.0 stable.