Predicting WWE WrestleMania 33’s Winners

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Raw Tag Team Championships: Gallows & Anderson vs. Enzo & Cass vs. Cesaro & Sheamus

I have an eerie feeling this will be a pre-show match, simply because that’s how WWE treats the tag team division at WrestleMania every year. The token tag team match has served as the opener for many a WrestleMania, and it looks like this year will be no exception.

Here you have three teams that all need a win desperately in order to maintain some degree of credibility. The champions Gallows & Anderson are the most desperate of the three, as they’ve been made to look like fools for almost a full year. They came in as a dominant force last April, and now they’re a joke that can be defeated by Roman Reigns singlehandedly.

Unfortunately, I do not have high hopes for this match. It’ll probably end up being your usual mix of ‘chaotic’ tag team action, before one team uses either a numbers advantage or does something underhanded to win. Either way, no one in this match will win much, even though all of them deserve better.

Winners: Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows