Predicting WWE WrestleMania 33’s Winners

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WWE Intercontinental Championship: Dean Ambrose vs. Baron Corbin

Upon first glance, this match looks like it could go either way, as both Ambrose and Corbin are two stars on SmackDown that are almost on equal footing. But upon closer inspection, you can see how obvious it is that Baron Corbin will be winning.

WWE gave Ambrose a chance as the top guy when he won the WWE Championship last summer. But instead of setting the world on fire with his charisma and insanity, he received a lukewarm reaction at best. This was proven fully when A.J. Styles received a roaring ovation when he, despite being a heel, pinned Ambrose.

Corbin, meanwhile, has been on a never-ending rise to the top ever since he won last year’s André the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. He has improved considerably, especially over the past few months. Now, he actually gets a solid reaction, and his star-power is definitely growing.

To that end, it’s safe to say that Corbin’s the one that will be winning. He’s younger, taller, and more in line with what Vince wants in a superstar. And given his improvements and his booking, it would be foolish for him to lose after having come this far.

Winner and new WWE Intercontinental Champion: Baron Corbin