WWE WrestleMania’s 5 Greatest Songs of All Time

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5. WrestleMaina 2000 – “California” by Jim Johnson 

This one might be a bit of a controversial choice as the song was created not by a mainstream artist but by WWE’s long-time music creator, Jim Johnson. Johnson has been the music creator among some of the most iconic and popular theme songs of all time. His credentials in WWE can be heard as he created the themes for the likes of The Rock, Stone Cold, Mick Foley, Kurt Angle and others.

While WrestleMania 2000 generally ranks among one the least popular Mania’s of all time, one thing it has to its credit is an awesome theme song. Jim Johnson brought in a rapper (who’s name has unfortunately never been revealed) to provide the vocals on this cool and breezy track.

The track has a very cool and mellow beat with the rapper singing about the glorious state of California. While the chorus is provided by female singers, singing the classic line, “Coming on home, coming on home, coming on home to California”.

The track really shows and presents the classic, cool and mellow type of sound and atmosphere people think of when picturing the scene and lifestyle of Southern California. The track also showed and proved why Jim Johnson has been at the forefront of creating iconic music for WWE, a job he still has to this day.

While fans don’t really remember much from the event itself, when fans here the song “California,” they instantly think of WrestleMania 2000.