WWE WrestleMania 33: 5 Bold Predictions

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2. Finn Balor Returns; Saves Seth Rollins

On paper, it doesn’t make a lot of sense for Finn Balor to come back in aid of Seth Rollins.  After all, it was Rollins who put Balor out of action during their match at SummerSlam via powerbomb into the guard rail.  But look at it another way.  What if Balor earned a modicum of respect for Seth that evening in Brooklyn.  What if he saw Rollins as a worthy adversary who didn’t use outside interference from The Authority like he could have and came within inches of defeating Finn?  Finn’s a babyface after all, why not come out and save another?

There’s no doubt that Rollins’ knee is in a bad way.  But something tells me that he’s going to battle through it against Triple H and make a ton fans doing it.  Here’s the scenario.  Triple H and Rollins do battle in an unsanctioned match and “The Game” immediately goes after Seth’s knee.  Over and over again he batters the injured limb but “The Architect” won’t give in and seems to get stronger and stronger as the match goes on, while Hunter gets more and more desperate as the minutes tick away.  This will lead to interference from The Authority’s new henchman, Samoa Joe.  Just as Joe is about to help hunter maim Rollins, the lights go out and when they return, The Demon King is in the ring.  This all leads to a Rollins victory and Balor will officially be back.  It works.

Let’s take it one step further.  It’s clear that both Rollins and Balor both have history with Samoa Joe.  Joe is responsible for Seth’s most recent injury and Balor spent about 7 months battling “The Samoan Submission Machine” over the NXT title in 2015 and 2016.  This feud will undoubtedly continue after Wrestlemania but since Triple H only wrestles on occasion he’ll need to employ someone to take Joe’s side.  Look no further than the guy who just lost The Universal Championship and will be in need of a new program if and when Chris Jericho takes his leave of absence to be a rock and roll star.  This feud could produce absolute magic and help restore the luster that RAW has lost.