WWE WrestleMania 33: 5 Bold Predictions

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Source: WWE.com

1. Roman Reigns Turns Heel

This final prediction is not bold in that Reigns should turn heel.  That’s a given.  Crowd-wise he’s been a heel for close to two years now but you wouldn’t know it from how he’s been booked.  The superman booking for Reigns has been nothing short of maddening as the WWE creative team has done nothing to help “The Big Guy” shake off the stink that’s been his character since June of 2014.  At some point it’s time to pull the plug on this angle and turn him heel.

What would be bold is if Vince McMahon finally gave his blessing on this turn and the WWE went all in on Reigns as a bad guy.  If they do, and I’m crossing my fingers for it, what better way to turn the mock hatred into real unabated hostility than to do it against The Undertaker at Wrestlemania?  This could be career revitalization for Roman as he would be the most hated man in the WWE but for the right reasons.  Think about it for a minute.  The Undertaker wins and attempts to do the obligatory passing of the torch to Reigns.  Roman seems to play along only to attack “The Deadman” and beat him to a bloody pulp.  That would be a real passing of the torch in the wrestling industry.

If for some reason The Undertaker does want to wrestle a couple of more matches, a Reigns rematch would now become an option.  That would actually be a very intriguing match, one perfect for SummerSlam.  Something eventually has to give in this failed Reigns experiment and at Wrestlemania 33 he’ll open a new chapter to a career that once had so much potential but is now drowning in the WWE’s silly story telling.