WWE WrestleMania 33: 3 Predictions for Bray Wyatt vs. Randy Orton

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3. Randy Orton Becomes the New WWE Champion

As I mentioned earlier, if WWE is indeed committed to the new era, this should not happen. However, if it does happen, would it be as bad as it could be? For one, Orton would make a great champion and could face a plethora of challengers from Bray Wyatt to Baron Corbin. Almost all of those feuds will be fresh and intriguing. The possibilities that lie ahead would make this a tempting choice for creative.

As Daily DDT’s own Michael Smith pointed out, Orton hasn’t had a significantly noteworthy WrestleMania moment. Now would be a good time to hand him one. The man who was once known as ‘Legend Killer’ is now a legend in the business. Orton would probably be moving towards the final years of his in-ring career over time. There could be no guarantee that the Viper would win another Royal Rumble and headline WrestleMania ever again.

Related Story: Bray Wyatt vs. Randy Orton Deserves Main Event Spot

As such, there is every bit of possibility that Orton would walk out as the champion on April 2nd. If that were to happen, however, WWE would be turning on their promise of a new era. Bray Wyatt is the culmination of the new era promise and cutting short his title reign at WrestleMania would not sit well with the fans. Hence, that would make this the least probable scenario, despite Orton deserving a WrestleMania moment to himself.