WWE WrestleMania 33: 3 Predictions for Bray Wyatt vs. Randy Orton

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2. Bray Wyatt’s Coronation is Complete

As I mentioned before, if WWE intends to stay true to the promise of a new era, Wyatt should go over at WrestleMania 33. Moreover, he should go over cleanly with no help from anyone else. That’s right, no interference of crazy exploding monitors should be there to aid him. The lights shouldn’t go down to assist him. Men in Sheep mask should not cause a distraction to give him the win.

Wyatt would have to retain his title with a clean pin in the center of the ring. That would complete Bray Wyatt’s coronation. A lot of his key victories have been tainted with outside interference and mediocre plot tools. This would have to stop at some point. Wyatt would have to begin winning matches on his own. He did that at Elimination Chamber. He did that again the following night. But he would have to do it once more when it counts the most.

Related Story: Bray Wyatt vs. Randy Orton Deserves Main Event Spot

However, if Wyatt were to win cleanly, there is no sort of progression to this storyline. Orton would not be entitled for another rematch. Moreover, the Eater of the Worlds would have proven that he is fine with not having his clan besides him. That would essentially be a state of closure on so many levels, particularly for Luke Harper and Eric Rowan. Hence, this would only be the second most likely scenario come WrestleMania 33.