WWE WrestleMania 33’s Stage Looks Like Universal Studios (Video)


The early look at the WrestleMania 33 stage gives a preview of what’s to come for the design of the show.

WrestleMania 33 is WWE’s biggest event of the year, as they go all out to ensure the show is special and leaves a lasting mark. This is from the matches, the large venues used to hold it and the stage.

The WrestleMania stage is something everyone anticipates to see. It’s the one time of year when WWE backs away from the norm of the generic Raw and SmackDown Live sets, to bring out one with some personality. They’ve mostly done this since WrestleMania 2000.

For WrestleMania 33, everything has been coming together as we get closer to show time. However, unlike the past few years, WWE is really taking this stage to the next level.

In the video below, you’ll see what looks like a globe that says “WrestleMania” on it, with a rollercoaster being constructed in the background. This resembles the famous globe Universal Studios has. There’s also a massive entrance ramp that goes from the globe to the ring, which also has a ring on top of it, as bizarre or awesome as that may sound.

WWE is living up to “The Ultimate Thrill Ride” moniker, which they have shouted on programming for the past few weeks to promote the show. So, maybe the constant use of this tagline hasn’t been such a bad thing, as there seems to be a plan with it.

Next: 25 Greatest WrestleMania Moments

This WrestleMania stage will come together before the show on Sunday, Apr. 2. It should give the Grandaddy of Them All a look that fits how big this is supposed to be.