WWE WrestleMania 33: 9 Potential Feuds for After the Show

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6. The Club vs. The Revival

This is a bold prediction, I do think that The Revival will end up going to Raw and I do think Anderson and Gallows will retain the titles. Having a brand-new team to go up against is going to breathe life into the flailing Tag Team Division of Raw and The Revival are the perfect choice. It doesn’t matter if it is heel vs. heel, both teams have the egos to be entertaining and I can see the crowd getting behind The Revival for a possible turn.

Raw needs something good to keep the tag division alive and this would be the smart move. Sheamus and Cesaro need to be singles competitors again, Enzo and Cass need to split because their shtick is getting boring and meaningless. The Club deserve to keep holding the titles, and having a big established team from NXT is the right move. The matches these teams could have against each other could really ignite things, and perhaps the division might feel important again.