ROH Supercard of Honor XI Preview

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The Briscoes & Bully Ray vs Bullet Club for the ROH Six-Man Tag Team Championship

When Bully Ray debuted at Manhattan Mayhem, he chokeslammed Bullet Club’s Adam Cole through a table and then cut a lengthy in-ring promo. The Briscoes were also in-ring for Bully’s promo and were visibly enthusiastic about the legend signing with Ring of Honor.

The three men would team together and defeat War Machine and Davey Boy Smith Jr in Bully Ray’s debut at the 15th Anniversary Show. The following night, the trio would defeat the Kingdom to capture the ROH Six-Man Tag Team Championships.

The Six-Man Tag Team Champs will be taking on Hangman Page and the Guerillas of Destiny, Tama Tonga and Tonga Roa (Bullet Club).

This match should be a stiff, brutal contest. There is already the built-in storyline of the champs feuding with Bullet Club. The Briscoes have battled with the Biz Cliz in both ROH and NJPW and their partner Bully Ray debuted by putting their de facto (ROH) leader through a table.

While at the time of this writing, this match is not for the Six-Man Tag Team Championships (according to the official ROH website). While a non-title match is a little disappointing, that could change before the bell sounds.

It is hard to see Hangman or either of the Guerillas going over the Briscoes or Bully Ray. Unless Bullet Club pulls some heel shenanigans, the Champs will likely have their hands raised at the end of this contest.

If Bullet Club does win, that immediately puts them in the Six-Man Tag Title scene.

If Bully Ray & The Briscoes win, they continue to be the dominant force they have been.
Regardless of who wins, this should be entertaining, to say the least.