WWE WrestleMania 33 Results: Highlights, Analysis and Grades

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WWE United States Championship Match
Chris Jericho (c) vs. Kevin Owens

Result: Kevin Owens defeats Chris Jericho via pinfall to win the WWE United States Championship.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars

One of WrestleMania 33’s “blood feuds” is Jericho vs. Owens. They started as best friends, until one Festival of Friendship segment came along and saw KO end their working relationship. We saw this coming from miles away, but the match still had plenty of anticipation on Sunday.

Owens and Jericho stayed on even footing for the first 5-10 minutes of this match, with neither going ahead by too much. However, the challenger did get a cut above his eye, drawing our first blood of the evening.

How about Jericho hitting a top rope Frankensteiner? He may be past 45-year-old, but can still do things like the cruiserweights.

Owens took a few hard bumps midway through. He had a Frog Splash and Swanton countered by Y2J, with knees to the gut and back. That’ll make for a bruise or two.

Then, how about the Pop-Up Powerbomb-Codebreaker transition by Jericho? An incredible sequence by him. That became his last positive moment, though, as Owens quickly took over and won the United States Championship.

This may be the official send-off for Jericho, unless he is brought back for at least the next few weeks. That could include a rematch for the title, before going on his way with Fozzy.