WWE WrestleMania 33: 10 Post-Show Predictions for 2017

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2. Kurt Angle Competes at SummerSlam

Kurt Angle is only back with a WWE as a member of the Hall of Fame — for now. He hasn’t been confirmed to appear on Raw or SmackDown, as well as a potential role on TV if he were to show up. WWE wouldn’t just have one of their greatest Superstars back after 10 years for no reason, right? There has to be more to this, whether it’s an authority position or to be wrestling part-time.

Maybe Angle comes back as the Raw General Manager, since there’s a spot open after Mick Foley got fired. It makes sense and offers the fans the prospect of seeing the Olympic Gold Medalist appear on WWE TV for the first time since 2006.

However, if Angle is stepping into an authority role, you’d have to think he gets into the ring. If so, we’re predicting that it’s by SummerSlam.

Waiting for WrestleMania 34 may be too long, unless there are specific plans for Angle. So, what if they had him in for the Show of the Summer in August? It would be difficult to predict who he feuds with, but the roster is just about fully turned over from the time he left, so there are fresh matchups all over the place.