WWE WrestleMania 33: 5 Worst Moments

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3. Mojo Rawley Winning the Andre the Giant Battle Royal

This would be the fourth Andre the Giant Battle Royal. However, this match has already been notorious for not doing any good for the winner. Apart from having a bad ass statue of Andre the Giant, the winners of the past bouts haven’t really benefited from winning this. Big Show winning this would never be a big deal. However, when Cesaro won the inaugural battle royal one would have expected big things for the Swiss Superman.

Baron Corbin could be an exception to the rule. However, nothing big could be expected from Mojo Rawley winning this match last night. The match and the outcome could have turned on its own had Sami Zayn won this. Instead, he was forced to once again play the gutsy babyface who came ever so close to winning.

Regardless, the match itself would be clumsy and mediocre. Moreover, it would end up as a cheap way to get a celebrity appearance. The fact that Mojo Rawley needed such interference to win the match further takes away from his credibility. Had notable names like Samoa Joe or any other seasoned veterans from NXT made an appearance the story of the match could have been different. However, they didn’t. That is why this match and its outcome is number 3 on our list of the worst moments.