WWE WrestleMania 33: Match Performance Evaluations

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RAW Tag Team Title Match: The Club vs Enzo/Cass vs Sheamus/Cesaro vs The Hardy Boyz

When the RAW tag team title match was, at the last minute, changed to TLC match, most people knew something was up.  The rumors of a return of Matt and Jeff Hardy had been rampant for weeks leading up to the event.  But that did not make it any less sweet when their music hit and they officially returned to the WWE.  It was great to see two guys who have meant so much to the company return and not only return, win their 7th WWE tag team titles.

Now the match itself was good, if not spectacular.  Most TLC matches run for an extended period of time and this one only had 11 minutes.  But that makes sense when you realize that The Hardyz didn’t have a ton of time to prepare.  However, Jeff’s top of the ladder senton onto Cesaro and Sheamus while prone on ladders was absolutely stunning and reminded the wrestling world why the duo was so highly missed.  This should hopefully be the start of something great for them and could also be their final WWE run.

One thing that I need to point out is Enzo Amore.  Look, the guy is a great talent.  Funny, charismatic, great talker.  But his in-ring skills are severely limited and that showed in force at Mania.  But that aside, everyone did their job.  And maybe I was harsh on the girl’s match and am being too easy on this one, but the return of the Hardyz alone makes this match exceed anything I was expecting.

Verdict: Exceeded Expectations