WWE WrestleMania 33: Match Performance Evaluations

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Mixed Tag Team Match: John Cena and Nikki Bella vs The Miz and Maryse

We all know what this entire feud was all about.  This was a forum for Cena to propose Nikki so let’s not waste too much time here.  The Miz and Maryse have been two of the best heels on the entire roster for a very long time so it was really difficult to stomach the fact that they were the vehicle used to create this moment for their opponents.  The heels had been sensational leading up to this showdown, brilliant mocking the baby face pair in a series of parodies and because of that made the moment for Cena and Nikki that much more important.  They deserve a handshake, not just from WWE management, but from the newly engaged couple as well.

The match itself was just okay.  Although it was great to see Miz interacting with a crowd that seems to slowly but surely be coming around on him.  It was pretty evident that he was exceedingly more popular than Cena during the match, a fact that needs to be addressed by the WWE booking team.  But all in all, this match was decided long ago but for what it was, it served its purpose.

Sportskeeda.com recently reported that Cena and Nikki are taking time off after Wrestlemania, so that will leave The Miz and Maryse to move on to another program.  For what they did for Cena and Nikki at Mania, they deserve something big.

Verdict: Achieved Expectations