TNA Impact Wrestling Results: Highlights, Analysis, and Grades for April 6

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Knockouts Gauntlet Match

Result: ODB wins the Knockouts Gauntlet to become the new No. 1 Contender.

Rating: 1.0 out 5 stars

The match started with  Madison Rayne and Ava Storie trash talking before a grappling with each other. Before the third knockout entered the ring, Mathews criticized Borash for not explaining the rules of the battle royal- like match. Their bickering continued until the fourth knockout entered the ring.

The matched changed when ODB entered (7 knockouts were in-ring). ODB made her presence felt and eliminated some knockouts fast. Brandi Rhodes was the final participant which seems odd, why not have ODB be the final participant she seemed to be the most over knockout in the gauntlet.

It came down to Madison Rayne, who was holding on the bottom rope Road Dogg style and ODB. A 1-2-3 after the TKO by ODB.

The Gauntlet was pretty messy with no real memorable spots. A battle royal with less than a dozen competitors should at least showcase some of the talents and it failed to even do that.