WWE SmackDown Live: Division Power Rankings After WrestleMania 33

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Photo by WWE.com

The Smackdown Live Tag Team Division

Highlights of the Division

The Usos might be the champions of the stale tag team division but they’ll need to flex their muscles and not sit on the sidelines. They weren’t booked for a match on the latest episode of Smackdown Live which is disappointing to say the least. Since defeating American Alpha for the titles—The Usos were mostly relegated to being extra bodies in a meaningless battle royal at WrestleMania 33. It’s disrespectful to the champions and they should be booked correctly going forward.

American Alpha will most likely utilize their rematch clause for the Smackdown Live Tag Team titles unless they get moved to RAW next week. They would benefit from a change of scenario since they’ve accomplished their goals on Smackdown Live. But the rubber match between the Usos and Amercian Alpha would make a great finale in their entertaining rivalry. 

Heath Slater and Rhyno won’t be sticking around Smackdown Live after the Superstar Shakeup since they haven’t been seen on TV for a while now. It might reinvigorate them to step up to the plate like they did last year. 

The Ascension and The Vaudevillians have still been inactive in the meantime. Once the Superstar Shakeup concludes—we might see them in action and re-position themselves in the pecking order of their respective tag team division.

Breezango are a walking punchline at this point and will be the bottom feeders of any tag team division unless they get repackaged as a credible tag team.

Let’s see the rankings for the division this week. 

Smackdown Live Tag Team Champions: The Usos (3 Wins – 2 Loss)


  • No. 1 Contender: American Alpha (6 Wins – 3 Losses)
  • Contender No. 2: The Ascension (1 Win – 2 Losses)


  • Pretender No. 1: Heath Slater & Rhyno (1 Win – 2 Losses)
  • Pretender No. 2: The Vaudevillians  (1 Win – 1 Loss) 
  • Pretender No. 3: Breezango (0 Wins – 5 Losses)