3 WWE Stars Raw Can’t Lose in Superstar Shake-Up

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1. Roman Reigns

Raw not being able to afford losing Roman Reigns seems like a no-brainer, right? Well, that’s because it is, but his name did get floated around in the Superstar Shake-Up.

Like him or not, Reigns is the centerpiece of Raw. He draws the biggest reactions, as seen by the latest episode of the Flagship Show, if needed clarification had been needed.

It’s become Reigns’ show, even with him not being WWE Universal Champion after three tries. He’s being built into the next John Cena, if he’s not already there, so WWE has made him the centerpiece of Monday nights. Without him, we have a failed babyface in Seth Rollins and the recently-returned Finn Balor, who only has one month of main roster experience under his belt.

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So if we’re left without Reigns, can Balor or Rollins lead the show as the top babyface? They may be capable of doing so, but it’s unchartered territory. We know the Architect can lead as a heel, and if this was one year ago, this wouldn’t be a discussion. However, WWE’s timing and use of him as a good guy has been questionable, to say the least.

Raw would probably get back a notable name if Reigns left. AJ Styles comes to mind, but if he’s staying heel, then we’re still left with a questionable lead babyface situation. The same goes for Dean Ambrose, Randy Orton and Bray Wyatt (not factoring in the part-timer, John Cena).

Next: 5 Potential Superstar Trades

Is there someone Raw can’t afford to lose as we head into the Superstar Shake-Up? Who should they let go of?