Davey Richards vs DJ Z
Result: Richards def. DJ Z via pinfall
Richards builds off his momentum from last week but gets caught up on the outside with his wife. DJ Z uses his speed to take control of Richards on the outside. The match trends back and forth and even leans towards DJ Z. Davey Richards attacks the injured ankle of DJ Z and he has no choice to but to tap. After the match, Eddie Edwards seeks revenge against his former brother. By his side, his wife Alica gets retribution as well and it looks like this rivalry is far from over.
This was an entertaining match between two men of similar stature. Love and Richards together make you cringe but it’s leading to success for Davey. I love the consistency with DJ Z still fighting through an ankle injury after the attack by Trevor Lee a few weeks ago.
Team Goat vs Team JB
Result: Team JB def. Team Goat
Team Goat features Lashley, Bram, Eli Drake, and Tyrus. Jeremy Borash selected Alberto El Patron, Chris Adonis, Matt Morgan, and Magnus for his team. JB’s team takes advantage in the early going and seems to have Team Goat on edge. Lashley brings the team back for a short time but the momentum starts to switch with Bram. They start to corner Team JB and cut off the ring to maintain control.
The match starts to break down with all of the members of Team Goat in the ring and it looks like Chris Adonis may not ever make it to his corner. Josh Matthews is cheering his team on after a quiet start in this main event. Team Goat has taken every dirty tactic in the book as they gang up on Adonis outside of the ring. Finally, Chris Adonis finally makes it to his corner and Matt Morgan cleans house. Everyone comes in and the meter completely leans to Team JB. Josh Matthews had announced at beginning of the show that he would leave if his team lost. The top rope elbow by Magnus ended the night for Team Goat. The entire roster came out to tease Matthews as he got ready to leave.