WWE Stock Watch: Kevin Owens’ Value Skyrockets

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1. RISING: Sami Zayn

So we can finally say that Sami Zayn has momentum, and the WWE has definitely given the “Underdog from the Underground” a big boost this week. After defeating The Miz on his Raw debut despite “The A-Lister’s” underhand tactics, Zayn made the move to SmackDown Live. Kurt Angle’s statement that he would keep Zayn proved to be empty – and thank goodness for that.

In his first match on SmackDown, Zayn came out and helped deliver a fantastic main event performance. A No. 1 contender’s triple threat match involving AJ Styles, Baron Corbin, and Zayn is always going to be money, but all of the spots and storytelling were even better than expected.

Even though Zayn ate the pin from Styles off of the Springboard 450, he did manage to “Helluva Kick” Corbin before that and was given room to execute effective offense. Zayn and Styles flashed so much chemistry that a Styles vs. Zayn match has immediately become a dream tilt in the mind’s of many fans.

Next: Did SmackDown Actually Win The Superstar Shakeup?

Zayn lost again, but he did net a high-profile revenge win (Miz beat him at Survivor Series) on Monday. More importantly, he’s on the brand that everyone wanted to see him on, and he was given an opportunity to showcase his work in the ring in an excellent match. I can’t wait to see how the WWE books him on SmackDown, because a United States Championship victory is very much in the tea leaves.