WWE SmackDown Live: 5 Exciting Potential Feuds Following Superstar Shakeup

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Kevin Owens vs. AJ Styles

Assuming Kevin Owens defeats Chris Jericho at Payback in little over two weeks, we’ll get to see this match unfold for the United States Championship, after Styles became No. 1 contender on SmackDown Live. It’s a feud that should be really be reserved for the WWE title, but we’ll likely see it, even if only briefly, in the near future.

Styles appears to be transitioning to a babyface, while Owens sported a new look following his arrival on SmackDown last week. With a suit and blue tie, KO is set to take over the role as the brand’s top heel, a spot Styles held down prior to WrestleMania.

Owens has moved on from his comedic act with Jericho, closer resembling his meaner, edgier character of old. Styles gets cheered everywhere he goes, and returning to good guy status was inevitable.

In John Cena’s absence, these are the two biggest stars on SmackDown Live, and pitting them together could act as Tuesday night’s headline act, whether for the WWE or US Championship.