WWE Payback 2017: 3 Potential Opponents for Bayley

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2. Sasha Banks

Just like Alexa Bliss, Sasha Banks too shares a history with Bayley stemming from NXT. Their matches on the yellow brand, however are still — after almost two years — seen as some of the best matches in NXT.

The pair’s history runs deeper too, as it was Sasha who introduced Bayley to the main roster at Summerslam.

The selling factor for Banks v. Bayley at Payback is that it could beckon the long awaited Sasha Banks heel turn.

However, with Alexa Bliss, Mickie James and Nia Jax all on RAW, maybe they no longer need a heel Sasha Banks.

Yet despite this, Banks’ heel turn was hinted on the 10th April edition of RAW. Before being interrupted by Bliss, Banks seemed to be issuing a challenge to Bayley

"“Bayley, WrestleMania didn’t really quite go as I planned but I wanted to come out here a congratulate you on the biggest moment in your career. But Bayley, that moment […] it’s over. That’s why I’m out here to ask you for that WWE….”"

Judging from the crowd reaction Sasha Banks got from this short utterance, the audience would be more than happy with a Sasha Banks heel turn.

It’s a given that if the two do face-off at Payback, they will undeniably produce yet another Match of the Year contender.

However, with only less than three weeks until Payback, there may not be supple time for a proper heel turn. It may be best to cash in on the inevitable success of a Banks v. Bayley feud later in the year.