WWE SmackDown Live Results: Highlights, Analysis, and Grades for April 18

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No. 1 Contender’s Match for the WWE Championship
Dolph Ziggler vs Erick Rowan vs Jinder Mahal vs Luke Harper vs Mojo Rawley vs Sami Zayn

Result: Jinder Mahal wins via pinfall

Rating: 4.0 out of 5 stars

After our first commercial break, the cameras cut to the backstage area. Complaining to Shane McMahon about not receiving a title shot, Natalya is soon joined by Carmella and James Ellsworth. Tamina joins in on the conversation as well, with all three women (and Ellsworth) complaining about Charlotte’s opportunity. Angered over what’s transpired, Natalya takes Carmella and Tamina for a private discussion on what to do next.

Back to the ring, the 6-pack challenge is here to help us determine a new number one contender. At the start of the bell, all six men involved start going at it with one another. Control shifted rapidly from here on out, with each man gaining his own chance to shine.

Among the highlights of the match was Dolph Ziggler and Sami Zayn absorbing one another’s finishers and continuing the fight. Another moment was when Erick Rowan powerbombed Ziggler over the top rope and onto the other competitors at ringside. Ziggler would retaliate with another Zig Zag later on, but somehow Rowan managed to kick out.

The action continued to escalate during the closing moments, and it seemed that Zayn was going to achieve the win. Then in an unexpected twist, the Bollywood Blondes came out of nowhere and distracted Zayn momentarily. Buying Jinder Mahal enough time to take advantage, the Blondes watched on as Mahal dropped Zayn and won the biggest match of his career.

If you had told me before tonight that Jinder Mahal was going to be the new number one contender, I would’ve laughed in your face. Never say never in WWE. His interaction with WWE Champion Randy Orton continues on the next slide.