TNA Impact Wrestling: Results and Highlights for April 20

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LAX vs Holmes and Coleman

Result: LAX def. Holmes and Coleman via pinfall

Santana and Ortiz start their dual attack early on relative newcomers Coleman and Jake.  They pulled off a plethora of tag team maneuvers to start the match.  Coleman and Jake had no chance at beating the current Impact Tag Team Champions.  LAX wins with their Street Sweeper finisher which is a blockbuster, powerbomb combination.  Santana and Ortiz once again look impressive as the Tag Team Champions so far.

After the match, Konan addresses the Impact Zone as they look to change the power structure in Impact Wrestling.  He gives a brief explanation of what each member brings to the unit but would be interrupted by the Decay.  The two groups would battle but no team would have an edge when it all ended.

This was a nice way of making LAX look strong both in the match and after the match.  It also didn’t give the Decay a feeling of being weak.  The brawl sets up the two to battle for the Tag Championships but somewhat throws predictability out of the window as the teams feel equal.

Karen Jarrett Has News for the Impact Zone

Jarrett announces that Global Force Wrestling and Impact Wrestling have merged.  She also dubs the show as a championship special with a variety of championship matches set.  The X-Division, Knockouts, and World Championship will be on the line tonight.  Sonjay Dutt comes to the ring and talks about him pioneering the X-Division.

He suggests that he should be that the X-Division Championship match should be the main event and he should be in it.  Andrew Everett takes offense to Dutt’s request and claims that Dutt doesn’t belong in this match tonight.

The X-Division Champion Trevor Lee is flanked by mentor Gregory Helms.  Helms claims that he calls the shots with the X-Division but that doesn’t sit well with Bruce Prichard.

Prichard comes out with an idea from Dutch Mantell and makes the match a six-way match with more competitors to be determined.  Helms and Lee attack the two other competitors as they end up with the belt in the middle of the ring.