Impact Wrestling: Results and Highlights for April 27

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Follow along with our review of Thursday’s episode of Impact Wrestling.

Thursday’s Impact Wrestling episode is main evented by a Street Fight between the Decay and LAX.  A match for the Impact Wrestling Tag Team Championship where neither team has a true advantage.  The Decay are a gritty team with a unique style while LAX also have a grim to them.  It’s a match that could truly go either way and is set to be an awesome main event.

Matt Sydal makes his in-ring debut against former X-Division Champion Trevor Lee.  This is the first time that Sydal has competed in an Impact ring and Lee is not happy after last week.  The six-way X-Division Championship match causes Lee to lose his title to Impact original, Low Ki.  While Low Ki is set to bring credit back to the prestigious division, Sydal and Lee are trying to get back into the hunt.

Moose was set to face Chris Adonis after a rocky meeting in Japan.  Adonis attacked the Grand Champion after one of his matches.  He put him in the almost unbreakable Adonis lock and Moose is out for revenge.  Adonis blamed Moose for his recent injury as he gave up his spot to Davey Richards.  Moose is willing to put the Grand Championship on the line against Richards but did he bite off more than he could chew?

Ethan Carter III is against the idea of new Impact Wrestling management and he and Storm look to settle it in the ring.  The Global Force Women’s Champion is in action as she looks to since a message to Sienna.  Lastly, Veterans of War make their Impact debut and it’s all on this weeks’ Impact Wrestling.