WWE: 4 Booking Steps to Make Jinder Mahal a Credible Title Challenger

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3. Win Each Match with a Different Move

For Mahal to be taken seriously as a title contender, he needs to win as many matches as possible. But not only should he win any and every match he’s in over the next few weeks, he should win each one with a different move.

For example, in his next match, he should win with that Cobra Clutch Slam he used on Orton on the Apr. 25 edition of SmackDown. The following week, he should make his opponent tap out to a submission hold. Then, he should win with another move as well in his final match before Backlash.

Doing this would build Mahal up as a credible opponent that can win with more than one move. It would show he’s a versatile wrestler that isn’t a one-trick pony that can only win in one way. This would also make his eventual match with Orton more exciting, as you wouldn’t be able to predict exactly when and how Mahal would try and finish the match.