WWE: 4 Booking Steps to Make Jinder Mahal a Credible Title Challenger

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Photo by WWE.com

2. Mahal Should Beat Up as Many World Champions as Possible

If the goal is to make Mahal into a believable threat to Orton’s WWE Championship, the best way to do so would involve Mahal attacking and scoring decisive victories over former world champions. In doing so, Mahal could show that he has enough skill to defeat former champions, which would send a message to Orton that Mahal is indeed a dangerous threat.

WWE needs to sell Mahal to the audience as a credible threat in a very short period of time, so a lot needs to be done in only three weeks. Having Mahal at least assault wrestlers like Dolph Ziggler, A.J. Styles and Kevin Owens, would accomplish this goal.

Those three men are all former World champions, and all of them have immense credibility as wrestlers. Mahal does not have this credibility yet, so booking him to attack (and in some cases, defeat) these men would do wonders in building his credibility.