WWE Payback 2017: Match Order Predictions

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Credit: WWE.com

Seth Rollins vs Samoa Joe

Seth Rollins finally gets the opportunity to step in the ring with the man that almost cost him his 2nd straight WrestleMania. An argument can be made that this match deserves to be later on the card as these two could really steal the show. I would assume that the overall health of Rollins’ knee would affect this match position on Payback. Obviously, the more healthy his knee is the more time this match will get and maybe get it moved more towards the top of the card.

While these two have been crossing paths since the Royal Rumble this is the first time we’ll see them go one on one in a singles match. The fact that this is more of a blood feud makes me think this feud will continue until it’s time to build for SummerSlam. That being said I see Samoa Joe’s push continuing here that will lead to another match sometime before SummerSlam.