WWE: 3 One-Time-Only PPVs They Should Do in 2017

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Photo courtesy of wwe.com

2. Randy Orton 15-Year Anniversary Show

Suggested date: Sept. 10, 2017

It’s rumored that there’s a scheduled WWE PPV that’s supposed to take place on Sep. 10 of this year, but details for it have not yet emerged. This would be the perfect time for WWE to celebrate the 15th anniversary of Randy Orton being on the main programs.

While it’s true that Orton had debuted months earlier at WrestleMania X8, and had spent a few months wrestling on SmackDown, he wasn’t given any sort of major push until he was drafted to RAW in September 2002. Once that occurred, Orton became a member of Evolution, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Like with Cena’s show, this event could be done to celebrate 15 years of RKOs. The show could be built around all of Orton’s accomplishments, with his previous opponents all talking about what he has done for the company. Colleagues, backstage talent, and Hall of Famers could all be interviewed to say how much of an impact Orton has had on WWE’s product.

The show could feature a few undercard matches that fit into existing WWE storylines, but the main event should be a big Orton match. Whether it’s a singles match or tag team match, this would be one match where Orton is given the freedom to wrestle how he wants.

Orton has worked hard to become a top star in WWE; a PPV devoted to thanking him for his hard work shouldn’t be too hard for WWE to produce.