WWE Payback 2017 Results: Highlights, Analysis, and Grades

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WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match
Neville (c) vs. Austin Aries

Result: Austin Aries defeats Neville via disqualification. However, Neville retains the WWE Cruiserweight Championship.

Rating: 3.25 out of 5 stars

Our second consecutive rematch from WrestleMania 33. Neville retained his belt then, but would he do so the second time around?

Aries and Neville put on a solid second showing, displaying the chemistry that was seen at WrestleMania. They had the crowd into this, with every wild elbow and the sunset flip powerbomb, which Aries transitioned right into Lance Chancery. An awesome sequence.

However, this led to a disqualification because Neville used the referee to break the count. This led to the King of the Cruiserweights keeping his belt.

We were close to a new champion, but Neville snuck it out. A third round should be in these two’s futures, maybe on 205 Live instead of a PPV.

It’s a disappointing finish to on a show with not much hype to begin with. Things like this will stall the event’s momentum, unless it’s covered up by other matches.