WWE Payback 2017 Results: Randy Orton vs. Bray Wyatt Highlights


In the first ever “House of Horrors” match, Bray Wyatt and Randy Orton will enter Payback for one final battle against one another.

At Payback, Bray Wyatt and Randy Orton are set to compete in a unique and terrifying contest. Named the “House of Horrors” match, it’s a creation straight out of the mind of the Eater of Worlds. Since the Superstar Shake-Up led to these men being placed on separate shows, tonight is the last time they’ll face one another for quite some time.

Although the WWE Championship won’t be on the line, this is still a pivotal match in the careers of both men. Should Wyatt win, he proves that his loss to the Viper at WrestleMania was a fluke. If Orton is victorious, he solidifies his current run as champion and defeats a challenging rival in the process. Without further ado, lets examine the action.

According to JoJo (the ringside announcer), the action will begin at the “House of Horrors” rather than inside the ring. The match can only be won by pinfall, submission, or forfeit. This is going to be interesting, to say the least.

Arriving to an unknown location inside of a limousine, Randy Orton is the first to arrive. The house in front of his view is eerie, and as he draws closer a lone light is extinguished. Peering through the window, the Viper notices Wyatt and breaks the door down. When he enters, the Eater of Worlds is nowhere to be found.

Searching for his prey, Orton hears the word “run” and is attacked from behind. Wyatt goes on to taunt his rival before throwing him head first into a window. The Viper manages to retaliate and strikes back, with the action reaching a stalemate as a result.

Having lost sight of Wyatt, Orton searches the house and finds another room filled with dolls. The screen cuts to various doll heads until the two brawl once more. Just like before, a brief interaction is interrupted by the Eater of Worlds fleeing the scene.

The next room in the house is the kitchen, and I don’t think either man is in the mood for cooking. Laying into each other with stiff strikes, both Orton and Wyatt are battered and beaten by the exchange, Orton is able to make it to his feet first, but a low blow sends him crashing down. For good measure, Wyatt decides to drop the refrigerator on him.

Struggling out of the house, Wyatt does his trademark pose in the yard before stumbling away. He even takes Orton’s ride and asked to be taken to the arena. What a jerk. Wyatt sings “He’s Got The Whole World in His Hands” to end part one.

Later on in the show, the Eater of Worlds makes it to the arena, still suffering from the damage inflicted on him earlier. As he makes his entrance to the ring, highlights are shown of part one of their battle. Once the lights turn back on, it’s revealed that Orton is behind Wyatt with a steel chair in hand.

Firmly in control of the contest due to the chair, the Viper lays into his opponent with one painful shot after another. He brings Wyatt back into the ring for the RKO, but the Singh brothers arrive to interfere. Orton manages to repel them and hit Wyatt with the RKO, but the distractions allow Jinder Mahal to sneak in and blast Orton with the WWE Championship.

Picking up the pieces, the Eater of Worlds hits Sister Abigail for the victory.