4 Predictions for WWE Raw: May 1, 2017

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A Heel Turn With Legitimate Reasoning

Last night, the Hardy Boyz produced a solid tag team match against Cesaro and Sheamus. As has been the current trend over the past few weeks, Matt and Jeff were the duo standing tall. Now on previous nights, Cesaro and Sheamus were inclined to shake hands with their competition. This time the Tag Team Champions offered a show of respect, admiring their challengers for the drive they displayed.

The four men embraced, and Cesaro and Sheamus left the ring to let the Hardy Boyz celebrate. Then in an unexpected twist, the duo rushed back into the ring and attacked the champions from behind. A savage attack followed, and the segment ended with Cesaro and Sheamus admiring the chaos they created.

Despite the loss, this recent heel turn has instilled new life into the former tag team champions. Before tonight, while they were a popular team on Raw, but as babyface, they were overshadowed by the Hardy Boyz and Enzo and Cass. On the opposite end of the spectrum, the only healthy heel team on Monday nights is Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson. At one point the Revival were gaining a great deal of momentum, but a temporary setback due to injury has taken them off television.

Until they return, Cesaro and Sheamus need to be viewed as credible threats. What this means is no more losing to Matt and Jeff in singles matching regularly. If fans are going to get invested, the duo needs the show the title is a realistic goal. Once that is accomplished, the sky will be the limit for the tag team.